Saturday, December 18, 2010


My straight hair :P
Been waiting for this almost 2 years.

Hello guys. I'm now in the middle of confusing. So, been applied for music course in UiTM but unfortunately I didn't get it :/. I'm okay for that. Moreover, I can't found my way out with music. I mean my future in music.

Then, I've received another offer from UiTM and the course is accountancy which I've never been study before plus I am not into math but more better compare to chemistry. Chemistry is killing me. Speak about STPM. Hurm.. Yes I know stpm is the third hardest examination in the world but lots of benefit we could get it only if we are study really well.

As for me, the chances for me to get excellent result in stpm is like 20 over 100%. I'm kidding lol  But we're given lots of warning about this. So, I'm still thinking for it  and I need to listing every pros and cons when taking diploma or stpm. I hope I could make the best decision for my family and myself. Ooohh, I hate thisss:/

Goodnight. (is busy after this...........)

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